Where can I find information about stock, derivative and commodity exchanges worldwide?
Use Cheetah (formerly CCH Intelliconnect).
- Select Securities-All, then Exchanges & SROs to find rules for U.S. exchanges.
Bloomberg, available on select computers in the Business Library, has information on stock markets worldwide.
- Type EPRX and hit the green <GO> key for a list of exchanges by country or region.
- Type WCAP and hit the green <GO> key to find world market capitalization by country.
- Type EPR and hit the green <GO> key to find a list of exchanges by country, with some profile information about each.
Use the World Federation of Exchanges' (WFE) Statistics Portal to access market capitalization, number of listed companies, trading volume, and other statistics for WFE members and non-members. Access to the Statistics Portal requires free registration.
For historical information, see the World Stock Exchange Factbook (print source). Sign in with your HawkID and password to request issues.