Answered By: Librarian at Main Library
Last Updated: Mar 03, 2024     Views: 85

Yes, we do recommend installing the LibKey Nomad web browser extension! It makes it easier to navigate directly to the full text PDF of an article from our subscription databases, and if we don't have access, it will direct you to another way to access it through Interlibrary Loan or an open access site.

Install LibKey Nomad for your preferred browser. You will be prompted to select an organization. Simply start to type "University of Iowa" and then select it from the drop down list.

Once that is done, new buttons will appear in our databases and when you are searching online! You might see options to “Download PDF” or “View Complete Issue,” which will navigate to Browzine so you can see the article in the context of the rest of the issue. Sometimes an “Access Options” button will appear, which will also provide options to request the article. This will work both on and off-campus. Just look at how excited the researcher in this video is!