Is security a problem if I use a public workstation while using Aeon?


Yes. Web browsers cache information and create a history file on the local workstation. This allows a subsequent user of the workstation to access the system under your name using the browser's Back button to recall a page from the cache, or by finding a page with your personal information in the browser's history file. If you are concerned about the security of your requests, you can take the following steps:

  • Access Aeon only from your personal computer or an otherwise secure workstation.
  • Access Aeon from a public workstation in the Special Collections office. These computers are supervised by the staff.
  • When using a public access workstation:
    1. Delete from the history file those pages that contain your personal information.
    2. Exit from the Web browser before you leave the workstation. This prevents the Back button from accessing the pages you were using.
  • Last Updated Jan 26, 2024
  • Views 0
  • Answered By Lindsay Moen

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